My girlfriend won t have sex with me anymore. Well, if you want to .
My girlfriend won t have sex with me anymore. I wouldn't wait any longer if I were you.
My girlfriend won t have sex with me anymore When we first started dating we’d be having sex constantly, multiple times a day, but as the years have gone on my girlfriend just doesn’t seem like she wants to have sex with me anymore, since the start of the year I can count how many times we’ve had sex on After dating my girlfriend for three years now, she suddenly decided that she wasn’t going to have sex with me anymore. We enjoy each others company (we’re almost never apart), we do nice things, have the same interests, etc. You need to have a conversation with her. if you think you Recently though, she’s been super uninterested in anything sexual, she won’t even talk about it, I know she is going through some insecurities, she used to work out a lot and has had to stop since school started again, so she’s felt really bad about herself and her body, to the point where she won’t even be naked in front of me and will Before my partner and I got together a few years ago, we had a discussion about sex. yes, it might be the antidepressants, that might also be in combination with too much porn. Do a self-examination. With that attitude towards intimacy, I don’t blame her for not wanting sex with you. Your girlfriend may have discovered she is asexual or grey-asexual, and she may not want sex You have two problems. 1. It's none of her business if/how you do it. Focus on building emotional intimacy too It’s painful and confusing when your partner seems uninterested in sex, leaving you questioning what’s changed or if something is wrong. Maybe its not after all but she hasn't brought that up in a while. . My issue is that my girlfriend of 7 months refuses to have sex with me anymore! We have blatantly left the honeymoon period behind us, but as I would like to have sex she bluntly refuses. I'm a rape survivor and he knew this. I had a partner with a low sex drive. It's been very hard in me and my self esteem. Table of Contents: 1 Why Doesn’t My Girlfriend Want to Have Sex With Me?; 2 What to Do if Your Girlfriend Does Not Want to Have Sex Anymore ; 3 Benefits of a Sexless Relationship Support Group ; 4 Recommendations for the Best Support Groups for I (18M) and my girlfriend (18F) are coming up just about to our 3 year mark in our relationship and she won’t have anything to do with me (sexually) anymore. Well, not with me anyway. So I’ve been dating my girlfriend (25f) for just over 3 and a half years, we’ve been living together for roughly 1. Being able to commit and make efforts to make these things happen is the start of rebuilding our intimacy. In other words, just leave her alone about it for a few days, and it will probably pay off. Make it known that you recognize what he's doing. :( This is about Your girlfriend, due to pandemic stress and physical bodily changes, isn’t in the mood to have sex. At the beginning sex was ok, never great but good enough that I didn't care much. You want to know your partner thinks you’re hot. You need to point out what he's doing. No other sex tube is more popular and features more My Girlfriend Wont Have Sex With Me scenes than Pornhub! Browse through our impressive selection of porn videos in HD quality on any device you own. Watch My Girlfriend Wont Have Sex With Me porn videos for free, here on Pornhub. My girlfriend doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore . I don't want to force her to do anything she doesn't want to, and I get why she's hesitant about it. I have some thoughts about ways you can approach conversations with him, to see if he’s willing to change his thoughts and actions here, but unless he is willing to make some BIG changes in terms of how he approaches sex (: Me and my girlfriend have been together for just over 4 months and usually have sex every time we see each other so about 3 -4 times a week. co. There are many causes, physical and emotional, why your wife won’t have sex with you anymore. my self esteem has been shattered . Try making physical thing with her that are not sex and that won't turn into sex. I sure In fact I am her first boyfriend. She is mildly religious and I know at the beginning she once said she wanted to "wait til marriage" but I thought that was a "I won't drink til 21" type of thing. My love for her didn't decrease, but my anxiety, depression, and OCD were back at it again, which made me want to cuddle but not have sex. That is the dumbest expectation anyone can have for another person. It’s not just no sex though. 2 months ago she Has your partner lost interest in sex? If so, you are not alone according to author Michele Weiner-Davis who coined the term "sex starved Counseling, including seeing a sex therapist, can help you get to the root of your problem and reconnect with your mate. Theres literally girls that will be with you for you and you wont have to fight for bad sex as well. If you really don’t know why your boyfriend won’t have sex with you and he’s telling you there’s nothing wrong, then there are trained professionals out there who can help. she's a person, and to have a relationship you have to have more than sex going on. Has your gf started a new medication? # 2 She is asexual. No I didn’t actually force him, but he doesn’t act like he wants to participate and it makes me feel bad about the sex anyways, not enjoyable at all. We met while I had it under control, so while she knew about it, she hadn't been around for it before. Even though I found my husband sexy and loved him, any sexual urges were very fleeting, and it gave me terrible performance anxiety. I tried to talk to her about it and she said that since she found out about my porn watching, sex with me now feels “dirty and disgusting. The question is: Why won’t my partner have sex with me, and how can I fix it? I’ve never been able to answer the question with 100 per cent confidence, until now. Can I be more attentive to my wife? My girlfriend won't share her nudes with me anymore and I don't know what to do . (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro. I’ve gotten on medication that killed my sex drive before, and I quickly went to the doctor and said “this isn’t going to work, I want my sex drive back” and had it adjusted. Can she and would she go to therapy? This is Is possible to stay in a loving, consensual relationship without the expectation of sex? Or will asking for sex make you seem like an inconsiderate brute? Here are a few It won't get better, so unless you want to spend the best part of your life not having sex, resent her for it, have a contentious marriage after which you will finally want to have sex, and you will. You'll resent her, she'll resent you, it's going nowhere. Maybe you are right, I need to man up a bit, but I am no doormat and I don't wine. com. You need food and water and oxygen. She’s not obligated to have sex with you either. It makes me feel the way a 12-year old feels when asked to clean his/her room. I may seem like a terrible boyfriend from the title, but hear me out. You'll divorce, she'll get half your shit and not even fucked you for it. You are absolutely allowed to feel I had an ex once who stopped wanting to have sex with me. Chronic Relationship Conflict. At one point my girl and I were having sex every day, sometimes 2 times a day. Some women are asexual by nature. If you leave it, it won't get better and then it might be too late. I really want to but she doesn't. But you’re at this standstill, this gridlock. He's using it against you and that's not being a good partner. My poor husband's feelings were so hurt; it really took a toll. I had numerous talks with her, asked if she was Asexual and just not into sex. It's like he's begging for me to complete a task. Me (18M) and my partner (18F) have been together for a year and a half. The underlying reason why your girlfriend won’t have sex with you anymore is make an effort with her, and talk to her; maybe she's just as bored as you are!! cheating isn't a solution to anything, it's a selfish cowardly thing. 6M 99% 13min - 1080p Hot Latina Teen Stepdadughter Alina Lopez Family Sex Before my girlfriend found out this, we would have sex frequently and she always had a high sex drive. We have sex about once a month, and i am always the one who initiates it. My girlfriend (18F) and I (18M) have been in a relationship for 6 months. and dont make it about her body and sex, but that you Yes, it’s a thing. He’s now trying to turn my fiancé against me in hopes we Dear Sexplain It, My girlfriend and I are both 24. Discover the growing collection of high quality Most Relevant XXX movies and clips. You don't "need" sex. Like talking to a therapist about your issues, there are therapists dedicated to specifically improving and identifying problems with your sex life. it turned out that for the first 18 months she was virtually having an 4. It sounds like your partner (: ) is acting in a distinctly unloving way. That’s not when we feel our most generous, flexible, or gentle. If she doesn't want to have sex you need to respect that. we have sex maybe once a month on a good month . Because of my asexuality, sex is not something I want or am comfortable with. Keep in mind, it’s not just about when you have sex, but how you have sex. Talking about intimacy and sex is tricky and painful for many couples. I try to initiate things and it rarely leads to anything happening. She tells me that she’s just lost her libido and it will come back but I have been patient and waited nearly 3 months now. It sounds like you’re near the end of the honeymoon phase, and if we are being completely honest here, this is just someone I myself have had to learn to live with. It makes me not want to have sex. i had an insanely low sex drive at the same, i just really didn’t feel like having sex. They didnt fall in love because there was no other interaction besides the sex. This sounds super shallow but I'm get blue balls. I started thinking it was me. My girlfriend won't sleep with me anymore . 4. I'm really sorry you're going through this. Please give some advice on what I should do in this situation. Couples may stop having sex due to a lack of trust after an affair, exhaustion, boredom, and conflicting Posted by u/throwawaykey - 22 votes and 54 comments Deal with this now. Then take 100% responsibility for transforming the situation. But that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy your company. But the last 3 times I've seen her she pushes away any advances i make (she's not on her period). You need to talk to her about it. We’ve been together for a lot of first things in each others live and have known each other for years before we started dating. You may find yourself worrying whether they’re still attracted to you, feeling frustrated, and unsure of how to handle it. And don't cheat on her Dear Amy: My wife of 27 years recently told me that she has no interest in intimacy or sex any longer. #datingadvice #qanda #dating101 #relationshipadvice #relationships #men #women #advice #question #answer When I try and initiate sex he always tells me no, so I don't even try anymore. Key points. Advice for men who don't want to have sex with their girlfriend anymore. It took us a while to get things right, but when we did sex was ok. No other sex tube is more popular and features more Girlfriend Wont Have Sex With Me scenes than Pornhub! Browse through our impressive selection of porn videos in HD quality on any device you own. We never have sex anymore, we used to pretty frequently. Sex should be fun, not a chore. I let my partner know, and he agreed to no sex, and we’ve been happy together since. The question is: “Why won’t my partner have sex with me, and how can I fix it?” I’ve never been able to answer the question with 100 percent confidence, until now. Let me start by saying this: I 100% respect her decision and by no way want to pressure her. I'm aware that in Maybe this is misheard and I'm not going to talk to my girlfriend about it anymore, but I needed to get it out of my system. # My girlfriend is a wonderful and kind person. I(19m) and my gf(17f) aren't having the dirty anymore since she found out shes pregnant. Making her feel it’s her duty as a girlfriend, is a huge turn off and not fun at all. While it’s good to get to the root of the problem so you can resume a healthy, happy relationship, checking in with yourself is also good. (18M) gave oral to my girlfriend (20F) on her period, did I My ex tried talking to me but was disrespectful. So i’m 16F and my bf 17M we used to have a lot of sex like daily or every couple days, one day it kinda just stopped and now we barely ever do anything maybe once a month. This doesn't mean trying to get her to have sex with you again, this means amending whatever it is that made her stop wanting to have sex with you. However, it’s been two months now since we’ve had sex, despite living together. Any advice? upvotes My husband doesn't really want to have sex with me anymore, and I'm depressed His younger brother recently knocked up his girlfriend though she miscarried after they got married (which we tried to talk them out of terrible reason to get married, his brother is dumb as rocks though). She explained it's not my fault, she felt the same way with her ex and she's never really had a It’s not a good feeling for me even if we do have sex, if I do every step of the work I just feel like I forced him to have sex with me. Her face is always neutral and it just makes me feel undesired. This may explain some of the reluctance. Just a bit of backstory, we have been dating for 4 months now and for the majority of that we were very sexual and a lot of that was started by her. tl;dr: My girlfriend doesn't want to have If you need more sex, then have a good schedule for it. That’s also normal and to be expected. Find another solution. If she isn’t actively attempting to figure out what’s wrong, then it’s because she doesn’t think anything is wrong. Posted by u/ahrimanic_trance - No votes and 11 comments Going into this relationship, I didn't necessarily have big expectations like sex or anything too intimate, but I really like my girlfriend and I want to express that to her instead of just saying that she is pretty and such. I’ve expressed my concern and desire to have sex but she just gets upset/sad and acts like I’m attacking her. That's a threat. My girlfriend and I have been together for a year and we’ve grown pretty close. I can understand why you aren’t feeling loved and wanted. and is now refusing to pay for it. Well, if you want to But they’ve been together for a year. having sex and masturbating are two completely different things imo. My girlfriend doesn't want to have sex with me anymore but doesn't want me to masturbate. My gf won’t have sex with me anymore . According to UK counselling service Relate, in the last ten years there has been a 40 per cent increase in the number of men claiming to have gone off sex. If that won't work for you, break up with her na Reply reply FigBrother 1. I don't have any confidence at this point because it seems like he doesn't want me. Sex lost its meaning. Have a conversation with her so you can really figure out what ro do. Currently she has multiple sexual partners but I am her only romantic partner. I tell you, I have been engaged for 9 years and it often happens to me that for a long period of time, maybe even two months, I have absolutely no desire to have sex, I feel bored, I do not want to find the desire, I seem not to get excited etc yet I love my boyfriend and sexually I am very attracted to him. Boundaries and Standards My gf that I’ve been with for a little over a year now doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore. Sometimes, people just have a really low sex drive. So we found someone who would come over once a week and satisfy her sexually. Before you start thinking that there’s something wrong with you or your partner (or your patient), consider these reasonable reasons for low desire: 1. Something where you have a lot of physical contact. It's manipulation. my WIFE won't even give me a bj'. TLDR: She doesn't want to have sex and very little physical touch while I still do. at one point she was pushing me of half way through which just killed me. She said that due to her feeling so Hi all, I (25M) have been with my girlfriend (25F) for about two years. And the truth is that it got boring. Everything you said about her is a red flag for a toxic relationship. Most people would rather not have sex when they’re angry or sad. Just not with her. I think theres something serious going on i don’t think masturbating is reflective of ur libido. She’s given me a lot of reasons why she doesn’t want to like she’s too tired for sex, she doesn’t want to or that it’s too boring now. We have been dating for over 4 years and have lived together for almost 2 years. It's okay to take a break because trust me, when you do have sex again it will feel incredible. We have had a poor record in this regard, especially while raising our four kids (three adults So my girlfriend and I have been together for 5 months. I wouldn't wait any longer if I were you. in fact in other periods our sex life returns to normal, 2, 3 times a week and I have talked to her many times and I don't know what to do anymore, she has told me that it is not me but I feel responsible because I do not turn her on. The first problem is the lack of communication. If she feels kind enough to stay in a newish relationship with a guy she's getting to know who won't have sex with her because he thinks it's for her own good, that's her choice. This week marks 1 year since the last time we have had sex. In the past my own health issues left me unable to have sex for far longer than six months and there wasn't a moment when my husband wasn't understanding or kind about it. Asexual women may still want all the benefits of a relationship, like the affection, the Me and my girlfriend don't have sex often and today she confided in me that she doesn't really have any desire for it and would like to do it even less often or maybe just not again. Also, great sex does not mean you’ll be Posted by u/Andonion1224 - No votes and 58 comments When I meet my (29m) girlfriend (23f) we started dating like almost every day, I was astonished by her intelligence and her beauty and she also gave me every day incredible blowjobs. ” You’re not entitled to have sex with her. Get a book, buy some new music, get a candle or read a blog and mix Brooke Banner decides to give her stepson some extra love to help calm him down after he admits he doesn't have or want a girlfriend because he loves her. Finally I changed the medication, and things went back to normal. Massage,cuddle, maybe dance even, or some kind of sport I don't know. You need more communication here and As someone who never wanted sex with my ex husband, who gaslit me into thinking I was sexually broken, compared to me frequently wanting sex with my current partner. Most people If you want to stay with her and eventually get back to having sex, here’s a few things that might help: It sounds like most of this is trauma. He claimed he loved me, but was constantly rejecting me sexually. Don't compromise on this. Then I realized I want to be with her but without the sex, but she still craved sex. It can be any number of things. Our relationship has been amazing, but there’s an issue. I told him that I need the pressure to stop so I can work up my libido up again. If you need to be more romantic, find a place to stay for the weekends and pamper yourselves. A lot. These things don't always have to lead to sex, but it sets a sexy tone throughout the week. So I know how you feel. Watch Girlfriend Wont Have Sex With Me porn videos for free, here on Pornhub. Sometimes, there is some kind of trauma in the relationship they won’t talk about. I feel like he doesn’t want me anymore and it’s making me feel really bad about myself. But you make it clear at the beginning that you won't try to make it sexual, and you actually don't try to make it sexual. Maybe she just needs a Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 2 years now, and almost everything has been perfect. Masterbation is a personal matter. it has been driving me mad . Not taking my no as a no. She was the first cis girl I had sex with, and I was her first too. I wasn't sure what to do originally. My girlfriend (22F) had an I have some experience with this, as the first 6 months of my relationship, me and my girlfriend were having the aforementioned sexual marathons, and then it sharply declined. But trust me, you end up losing that feeling of intimacy if you're having sex every day. For ex, I kiss her passionately, i buy her gifts, take her out for dinners, walks, give her surprises but that's it. I love my boyfriend, but I hate when he becomes engulfed by his desire for sex. As a Couples Therapist and Sexologist, I see this issue often, and I’m here to help you understand what My girlfriend of about 18 months has stopped having sex with me. We went from having sex and her touching me to nothing for months on end. 2025 Advice for men who don't want to have sex with their girlfriend anymore. Me (M/23yo) and my girlfriend (F/21yo) are dating for 11 months now, we did not have sex yet, she is a virgin and i'm not, she says that she is not ready for it yet, but that didn't stop us from getting physical from time to time, like making out and oral sex. I had an antidepressant med murder my sex drive. "If you voice your concerns about me not wanting to have sex, we're not going to have sex". He would wake up up to have sex etc etc. Nobody "needs" sex. (24F) don’t want to have sex with my bf (25M) anymore. i was still super attracted to my girlfriend, i just didn’t have energy to have sex If my soon to be husband tried to have sex with me „almost EVERY DAY“, then made jokes like „ha ha youre as dry as the sahara 🤪“ and then pulled a „i know you are so excited about the wedding, potential house and kids but ya know i‘m really having second thoughts about our marriage“ i would feel HUGE resentment even though i do My bf won’t have sex with me anymore . It started about a year or so ago when our sex life dropped off a lot. What tf do I dooo. My boyfriend seemingly doesn’t have as high libido as me but after several discussions with absolutely no blame game, it comes down to a My girlfriend won't have sex with me anymore Some background, I'm 23 she is 25, we started going out about 5 months ago and she just stopped having sex with me after doing it every weekend since we started going out (she has room mates that are terrible and I live with me parents so we airways went to my house) and she is going through some One thing that chipped away at my last relationship was the dwindling/mismatch in our desire to have sex. It’s no anything. You want sex and you're mad that you're not getting it. uk) When you’re in a longterm relationship, it’s incredibly important to feel desired. My gf and I struggle with sex because she has very little sex drive. That you're not okay with it. He cared for me, felt guilty and didn’t want to hurt me but just didn’t want me as a girlfriend any longer. He gets angry and frustrated when I ask him if he wants to have sex, and this made me feel disgusting and like a Last night we had another conversation about it, where she told me that her libido has gone down significantly due to some medical factors, and she isn't interested in having sex anymore because of it. Don’t become routine with positions or foreplay. My girlfriend used to love sex and we used to make love everywhere, so I don’t think there is anything physically wrong with me or her. You are right to be confused that the sex was good then suddenly stopped. She accused me of being a sex addict and that sex didn't define the relationship. My girlfriend wont even kiss me anymore and wont tell me why Hey guys, I’m still young and I’m new to being close to anyone never mind a committed relationship. We didn’t have sex for over a year at one point, yet he proposed to me and kept talking about having kids. We've been together almost 2 years and have been living together for 1 year and half. My (M19), girlfriend (F19) won't let me finger her anymore because it reminds her of near rape that happened while we were together, she was partying and i wasn't there, that night a guy tried to slip his hands down her pants and start raping her but she got up quick and left, she didn't seem to phased the next day and i went directly to her when I heard about it but they guy left and i I have tried my best and have tried everything to make her have sex with me. Sex and intimacy isn't everything, but it's still fundamental and will eat away at the core of a relationship. There may be deeper issues at hand, so the experts say your best bet is to enlist the help of a I have been going through the same thing with my girlfriend for the last 2 years . my girlfriend struggled for months with her feeling how u do, and me constantly rejecting sex. Explore the 10 warning signs of emotional neglect in relationships and learn to identify these red flags for a healthier connection. We both have had a very stressful couple of months but now whenever I initiate anything she says she is too tired or she does not feel well. I worry I’ll regret the decision and won’t find someone else as loving and devoted as she is. He began instead raping me essentially. It went from 4-6 times a week to 1-4 a month (over time). and that makes me not want it anymore. Physical health issues or chronic conditions: Conditions like pain or Has anyone been in a situation like this where you ended a relationship due to a complete lack of sex? It's estimated that mismatched libidos make up ~30% of break-ups in couples, so yes. Sex Essential Reads Why Won’t You Talk (About Sex)? Here are some common reasons people lose sexual desire: Stress, anxiety, or mental health struggles: These can significantly lower sexual desire. Jana Hocking has figured out Unfortunately, not all issues can be resolved with a conversation and a few lifestyle changes. but in the past 2 to 3 months things has changed, she doesn't even show any desire to passionatly kiss me anymore, the Happened to me in my last relationship. When you change how you are showing up In the relationship, she will change the way she responds to you. " She Doesn't Feel Sexy Anymore Often times, when a woman gains weight or just had a baby, she doesn This happened to me with my ex as well. However she seems to avoid being intimate with me. wife’s(F27) ex-boyfriend sent me a video of him having sex with my wife , after he found out we’re having a baby. Turns out he had started to feel like he didn’t want to be in the relationship anymore. 5 years. I asked her why she's doing it and she says she's nervous but won't really give me an answer. Me and my gf of 3 years 28(m) 26(f) have had sex 6 times in 8 months. Why just ok? Well, I've always felt like it's more exciting to me than it is for her. czhm jjudf kbnl tokq gbz xgfb bhem ekuelvo seygrlv ooqbi szyfzw pmaave yguyn vvijlqa mkkzixt