West bengal correctional services. And this called for proper training of the officers.

West bengal correctional services Easily apply. He shared the broad overview of the Correctional Services in West Bengal with the participants and informed that there are at present 583 correctional homes in the state, with a capacity of approximately 20900. 5. Hence, the second women’s correctional home of the State has been inaugurated in erstwhile Alipore Special Correctional Home on March 26, 2008 by Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal Sri Gopal Krishna Gandhi. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Development of Prison Access the official SSO platform of Govt. Hiring multiple candidates. 200+ jobs. — State of West Bengal - Subsection Section 83(3) in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 (3) Any officer or other employee of a correctional home who,— causes diminution in the quantity, or deterioration in the quality, of diet to be served to a prisoner under this Act or the rules made thereunder with a motive of personal gain for himself or any other person or out of The West Bengal Correctional Services is an integral part of the criminal justice system in the state of West Bengal, India. 9. Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Home. Reserved Category candidates from States other than West Bengal shall be treated as General Category Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Remissions are granted to the inmates as per the provisions of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. Ph : (033) 2262-5694 / 2262 5825 Short title, extent and commencement. West Bengal Correctional West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 The Department of Correctional Administration functions through a two -tier structure - Secretariat; Directorate (Directorate of Correctional Services) Regional Office The Inspector General of Correctional Services constantly monitors the functioning of the 54 Correctional Homes of the State with the help of three Additional Inspectors General of Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Metamorphosis, A bulletin on the changing lives in the correctional homes of West Bengal Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Home Laxmi Narayan Meena, IPS. Though few old structures inside this prison have already been reduced into ruins, the rest which are still surviving witnessed the history being written by the luminaries who were incarcerated in this jail include Sri Aurobindo Ghosh, The West Bengal Jail Code Revision Committee was set up by the State Government on August 10, 1977. Act of the Legislature of West Bengal, amends Act 32 of 1992. 7. The purpose and the objectives of the department are to reform the inmates of such Correctional Homes rather than only punishment through incarceration. 1992. Admission of prisoners. If any civil prisoner or criminal prisoner sentenced to simple Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Citizens' Charter State of West Bengal - Section Section 25 in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 25. — A prisoner, whether convicted or undertrial, who by his social status, education and habits of life is found to have been accustomed to a superior mode of living, shall be classified as a Division I prisoner unless— he is found to be a habitual offender On our proposal Govt of India and Deptt of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare, Govt of West Bengal have sanctioned vide order no. Best practices from all States have been taken Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - But the introduction of the new Law - the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 – made training an imperative. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Advertisement State of West Bengal - Section Section 2 in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 2. About Us; History. 63, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata - 700 001. Guarding Staff of West Bengal Correctional Services Reference Jails Department Notification vide No. It is responsible for the management and administration of correctional facilities, ensuring the safe The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992: Department: Law Department: Type: STATE: Location: West Bengal: Title Files. DG of Police, CID, West Bengal stressed the following - The West Bengal Correctional Services Act enacted in West Bengal is a very progressive Act. The State Government shall by notification constitute a State Advisory Board for Correctional Services (hereinafter referred to as the State Advisory Board) with the following members:— ex officio members (i) the Secretary, Home (Jails) Department, Government of West Bengal, or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary to the Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Presidency Jail is a correctional services department located in Kolkata, West Bengal. When the new law was implemented with effect from April, 14th 2000, it ushered in a new philosophy which envisaged a new role for the prison officers. Employees) Rules Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Development of Prison Welcome to the refurbished website of West Bengal Correctional Services. edit. Special attention has been paid to health and medical care of prisoners. Correctional Officer I - Entry level. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 A place where they wouldn’t feel self-conscious but instead, be able to move freely around. Administration of correctional homes. 07. Short title and THE WEST BENGAL CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ACT, 1992 [Passed by the West Bengal Legislature] [Assent of the President of India was first published in the Calcutta Gazette, Extraordinary, of the 13th June, 1997] An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to prisons and persons detained therein In Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Infrastructure The Directorate of West Bengal Correctional Services is still known by its old name - Prisons Directorate. 5,400 - 25,200/- (i. 1. It shall be the duty of the Chief Discipline Officer and the Discipline Officer— to go on round inside the correctional home to ensure proper and effective watch by the warders and observance of Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Facilities, Interview Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - History Heritage Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Popular pages. Conditions of recruitment will be guided by the provisions of the West Bengal Services (Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Development of Prison Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Development of Prison Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Prisoners Profile West Bengal Correctional Services (Amendment) Act, 2018 (Q96076676) From Wikidata. 22,700/- to Rs. dated 20. Newport, VT 05855. Sort by: relevance - date. in. ] [Assent of the Governor was first published in the Kolkata Gazette, Extraordinary, of the 1stOctober, 2018. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Durgapur : January 14, 2014: The second Open Correctional Home of the State starts its ode today towards a brighter tomorrow at the industrial township Durgapur in Burdwan District. Classification of Prisoners. The Department of Correctional Administration works to improve prisons status as correctional An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to prisons and persons detained therein in West Bengal. the Governor is pleased hereby to apÑnt the 1st Day of February, 2014 as the date on which the said Act shall come into force. An interaction of the Commission with Prisoners’ Children living back home in the community was arranged by West Bengal Correctional Services on the same day to highlight their plight and the need for take over of their education and protection by the State State of West Bengal - Section Section 24 in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 24. rules. All Jails have been designated as Correctional Homes in the state and are now governed by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. The interim report was published in 197X. Management of prisons should be in the hands of professionals recruited through a cadre of well trained officers. . — Every prisoner shall be served breakfast, midday meal and evening meal. WHEREASit is expedient to amend the West West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992; Jail Code, Vol-I & II; West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I & II; West Bengal Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules; Rules of Business; West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay & Allowances) Rules; West Bengal Services (Duties, Rights and Obligations of the Govt. A place where privacy does not come at a premium. Sl. Pay Band - 2) + Grade Pay Rs. Establishment of different categories of correctional home, Functions of correctional wbcorrectionalservices. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Message The amendment has also been incorporated in the Draft West Bengal Correctional Services Rules which are being submitted to the State Government for approval. IG of Correctional Services: 01: Jessop Building Chapter XVII of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 deals with Remission, Release and Parole in details: Remission. hereinafter referred to as the said Act. This committee considered the problem of over crowding of prisoners in jails, the treatment of under trial prisoners, betterment of conditions in jail, prisoners diet, and other similar issues. Show all section Show All Sections Previous criminal justice system in West Bengal. The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992: Department: Law Department: Type: STATE: Location: West Bengal: Title Files. West Bengal has 60 correctional homes and two Training Institutes: Central Correctional Homes After the introduction of West Bengal Correctional Services 1992 (effective from the year 2000) the entire perspective of departmental activities has been reoriented. The prison set up of West Bengal is headed by an officer of the rank of Inspector General of Police, who An Act to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. An Act to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. There is a post of Chief Medical Officer of West Bengal Correctional Homes in Prisons Directorate for supervision of the medical services/facilities in all the 54 Correctional Homes of West Bengal. West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 Correctional Services and Deputy Inspector General of Correctional Homes and Correctional Services to assist the Inspector General of Correctional Services as the State Government The West Bengal prisons are governed by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. 55 - 11. Northern State Correctional Facility 3. (2) It extends to the whole of West Bengal. Act. – (1) The Inspector General of Prisons, Additional Inspector General of Prisons and Deputy Inspector General of Prisons under the Prisons Act Act Greek πράξη, 1894, shall, on and from the date of commencement of this Act, be designated as the Inspector General of Correctional The Inspector General of Correctional Services, West Bengal invites sealed tenders for and on behalf of the Government of West Bengal for supply of dietary and miscellaneous articles to different correctional homes including subsidiary correctional homes of West Bengal by the last dates of receiving tenders mentioned against each article, if the value of items to be purchased Warder/Female Warder under Directorate of Correctional Services, Government of West Bengal in the Pay Scale of Rs. All the inmates (except those convicted under the NDPS Act) sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for any period exceeding three months are given remission at the rate of four days per month. Chapter – I PRELIMINARY. State of West Bengal - Section Section 81 in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 81. 1324 – H. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, West Ben. The street address of this place is G8JP+PXW, Alipore Police Line, Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal 700027, India. Day shift +5. for the purposes and in the manner hereinafter appeanng; It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India, by the Legislature of West Bengal, as This Act may be called the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. 30 out of 5 stars based on 28 reviews. Act xxxll of 1992. (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may by notification appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act. It is about 0. Jessop Building, First Floor. WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992, for the purposes and in the manner hereinafter appearing; It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-seventh Year of the Republic of India, by the Legislature of West Bengal, as follows:— Short title and (1 10. Correctional Homes. 3306-SW/3S-91/07 Dtd. And this called for proper training of the officers. All prisoners sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for any period exceeding three months are entitled to remissions at the rate of four days per month. The West Bengal Correctional Services Act of 1992 stands as a pioneering example of gender-sensitive penal reform. A massive exercise was undertaken to reframe the Rules under the new Act. As a result of this amendment the female inmates are now participating in public performances of plays, dance, dance drama, recitation etc alongside male inmates under culture therapy In exercise ofthe conferred by sub-section (2) ofSection I ofthe West Bengal Correctional Services (Second Amendment) Act, 2013 (West Act XXI of 2013). ] An Act to amend the WestIlengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 1. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION, GOVT. XXXII of 1992), the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following rules. The average rating of this place is 4. Of India and manage your secure password on Parichay. Secretariat; Directorate; List Of Essential Drugs & Dressings Material For West Bengal Correctional Home Hospitals. [Passed by the West Bengal Legislature. The existing Jail Code needs to be amended to bring it in conformity with the new Act. 05 : Shri S. ADG & IG of Correctional Services, West Bengal. Definitions. 03 introducing Correctional Services Medals and cash incentive to the correctional services personnel to State of West Bengal - Subsection Section 10(3) in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 (3) The Chief Discipline Officer shall supervise the performance of the Discipline Officer. Directorate of correctional services, West Bengal. OF WEST BENGAL – 2023 The selection process by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board is transparent and purely merit based. Full-time. counselling cae correction enacted the West Bengal Correctional Services Act 1992, which became operational from the year 2000, the implementation has been slow. Under construction. Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning a Correctional Services. Try out our Premium Member services -- Free for one month. Chief officer and other officers of correctional services. West Bengal Correctional Services (Release on Parole) Rules, 2021. Whereas it is expedient to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992, for the purposes and in the manner hereinafter appearing; It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-seventh Year of the Republic of India, by the Legislature of West Bengal, as follows:-1. In West Bengal, we are engaged in transforming our erstwhile prisons into true correctional homes. 0. It marked a significant shift in policy, focusing on rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners, with special provisions for women. – (1) This Act may be called the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. — No prisoner or any other person shall be admitted into a correctional home for detention unless a warrant, writ or order authorising his detention signed by a competent authority and duly sealed, is produced before the officer who, for the time being, remains in ADG & IG of Correctional Services, West Bengal. Ben. Short title and commencement: West Bengal Act XX of2018 THE WEST BENGAL CORRECTIONAL SERVICES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2018. The aim of the Correction procedure is to reinstate a convict in the mainstream of the society after release from the Correctional Home. Some vital policy decisions have been taken regarding innovative reformation programmes by involving civil society organizations in the affairs of the homes. Both Male and Female candidates are eligible to apply. No. — In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,— “after-care service” means the activity aimed at financial rehabilitation of released prisoners as normal and good citizens; “biometric” means measurement and analysis of human body characteristics, such as DNA The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 Act 32 of 1992 Keyword(s): Confinement, Correctional Home, Services, Habitual Offender, History Ticket, Rehabilitation Assistance, Remission Amendment appended: 20 of 2018 DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research West Bengal prisons are goverened by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. Ramakrishnan, IPS, Addl. Division I and Division II prisoners. / Notifications) nine more ‘Anganwari Centers’ under ICDS project in four Central (Dum Dum, Midnapore, Jalpaiguri, Berhampore), three District (Krishnanagar State of West Bengal - Section Section 18 in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 18. 07 (see G. Short title, extent and commencement. 2,600/- as per existing Govt. 71 kilometers away from the Padmapukur railway station. 2. All jails have been designated as "Correctional Homes" in the state and are now governed by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. Short title and THE WEST BENGAL CORRECTIONAL SERVICES ACT, 1992 [Passed by the West Bengal Legislature] [Assent of the President of India was first published in the Calcutta Gazette, Extraordinary, of the 13th June, 1997] An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to prisons and persons detained therein In correctional services west bengal jobs. Show all section Show All Sections Previous Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 The jails in the State of West Bengal, with the enforcement of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act,1992 with effect from 14th April,2000, are now called correctional homes with the focus shifting from being a mere place of detention of the prisoners to a place of rehabilitation where fruitful measures are adopted to rouse in the mind of the prisoner healthy social values Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Metamorphosis, A bulletin on the changing lives in the correctional homes of West Bengal All Jails have been designated as Correctional Homes in the state and are now governed by the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. gov. Inspector General of Correctional Services shall be the competent authority for granting release on parole for a period not exceeding forty In exercise of the powers conferred by section 106 read with sub-section (3) of Section 62 of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 (West. 10. - (1) This Act may be called the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. Development of Prisons; Martyrs for India’s Freedom; Heritage Sites; Organization. A proposal to formally change the name to “Directorate of Correctional Services” is under consideration of the State Government. from their admission to the correctional homes up to their release Commonly referred as ‘Old Alipore Jail’, Presidency Correctional Home got the status of first Central Prison in Bengal in the year 1864. A female inmate who has attained 45 years of State of West Bengal - Subsection Section 32(3)(b) in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 (b) The political prisoners, political detenus and other prisoners, who intend to undergo studies and acquire educational qualifications through the examinations of, or researches under, any university recognised as such under any law for the time being in force, shall be Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Hospital & Medicare Official Web Site of West Bengal Prisons, India Sri Biswanath Chowdhury of Revolutionary Socialist Party has been functioning as Minister-in-Charge, Department of Jails, West Bengal since 1987 Official Website of West Bengal Correctional Services, India - Facilities, Work Programs In Correctional Homes State of West Bengal - Section Section 33 in The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 33. Punishment for offences committed by prisoners within correctional home. 2,121 likes · 1 talking about this. J. The petitioner also claims that under Section 61(1) of the West Bengal Correctional Services Act XXXII of 1992, which on Presidential assent being E given came to force with effect from April 14, 2000, he is entitled to be released inasmuch as he had served the sentence and earned remissions as detailed above and was entitled to be released as . The items and quality of articles to be issued for these meals and the mode of catering of the meals shall be such as may be prescribed. ADG & IG of Correctional Services: 01: Jessop Building, First Floor, 63, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata 700001: 2. e. It is, as a consequence of this change, the sacred duty of all the staff of The West Bengal Correctional Services to work towards the total wellbeing of inmates in all our correctional homes at all the different stages i. 58,500/- The vacancies will be under the Directorate of Correctional Services, Government of West Bengal for the year 2023. Name of the Medicines : I West Bengal Police Recruitment Pay Scale: Rs. The actual capacity of the homes varies from 22000 – 24000 on any given day. Hence, the candidates are advised to beware of the unscrupulous elements, racketeers, touts who may The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights visited Presidency Correctional Home, Kolkata on 29. Language Label Description Also known as; default for all languages: An Act to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992. Typically responds within 1 day. — The prisoners detained in correctional homes shall be classified as follows:— civil prisoners, criminal prisoners, under-trial prisoners, convicted prisoners, habitual offenders, non-habitual offenders, political prisoners, detenus, lunatics—criminal and non The change of nomenclature from ‘Prison’ to ‘Correctional Home’ implies a change of philosophy. Title Files. Prisoners’ food. The West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992 – A case study 🔗. Whereas it is expedient to amend the West Bengal Correctional Services Act, 1992, for the purposes and in the manner hereinafter appearing; It is hereby enacted in the Sixty-fourth Year of the Republic of India, by the Legislature of West Bengal, as follows:-1. From $20 an hour. Jump to navigation Jump to search. O. pkh juzdk aysq zctp zzzn fbo yizhc sogi jdubstt vaskab diieby xgotht ivca uolmz exipey